Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisory
DORSCON Orange and what that means for SG Code Campus
Dear Parents,
As you may know, Singapore has just raised its Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) level from yellow to orange on Friday (Feb 7). More details are available from this
Channel News Asia Article.
Lessons at SG Code Campus will proceed as usual, and our team continues to remain extra vigilant to keep the Campus safe and healthy for everyone. Our precautionary measures include temperature taking and compulsory hand sanitisation prior to entering class. We have also taken the extra step to wipe down all campus laptops after each class with industry-grade and child-friendly sanitizers. You can also read
this useful article for guidelines by Health Promotion Board Singapore on when to wear a mask.
Safety measures that we have put in place:
- Temperature taking - we will take the temperature of every student, parent and staff entering our Campuses. Anyone with fever or flu-like symptoms will be refused entry, with parents and/or guardians being informed as necessary. (NEW) Our staff will now take their temperature twice a day to comply with DORSCON Orange.
- Hand Sanitising - All students and staff will be asked to sanitise their hands upon entering our Campuses.
- Equipment cleaning - Our laptops and classroom equipment will be cleaned after every class. Parents, do note that this might cause slight delays in the start and end times of lessons.
- Travel Declaration - We will be sending out an online travel declaration form to all our current weekly students and kindly request for the form to be completed as soon as possible. You can also use this link or the button below to access the form.
- Leave of Absence - Students and staff who have returned from mainland China on 15 Jan or later are kindly requested to take a Leave of Absence (LOA) from SGCC for a period of 14 days, starting from the first day after return. For example, if you return to Singapore on 28 Jan (Tue), the LOA would last from 29 Jan to 11 Feb, with the date of return to SGCC being 12 Feb (Wed), assuming you remain well and symptom-free for the entire period. Once again, this precaution is to ensure our shared environment remains a healthy and hygienic place for everyone concerned.
Terms and policies for affected students:
- Should your child be placed on a leave of absence or quarantined, students will be provided with a weblink to watch a video recording of the lesson that they missed or have an online make-up lesson arranged for them. Please reach out to us at enquiries@sgcodecampus.com to arrange the make-up.
- In the event that classes of on-going weekly courses or camps are cancelled, or if your child is quarantined for an extended period of time, a prorated credit note will be issued to you.
- In the event that courses that have not yet started are cancelled, a full cash refund will be provided to you.
Once again, we thank all parents and students for your continued cooperation and for practising good personal hygiene and social responsibility. If your children are feeling unwell, we advise you to bring them to a doctor and we would appreciate if they remained at home until they recover.
Note: From now till 30 April, SG Code Campus will be conducting ALL classes online as per the government's mandate to suspend all centre-based classes. For more information, please visit our
Online Classes webpage.Take care and stay safe,
The SG Code Campus Team